Quick view into our design-process
1. Understanding client needs
After every dealing process we start by defining main requirements of the new project. In order to specify these requirements we focus on understanding the main needs our design should supply. Realize about client perspective gives us the key for success in a final result.
2. Brainstorming
Once we understand our main goal the next step is to look for inspiration, creative and suitable solution we can develop. In this way there are many ways for exercise our imagination, sketching our new ideas is a very good way for make feedback process inside the team, based on this we discuss and decide the best option.
3. Conceptualize
Conceptualize is the process in which all the team get synchronous in a main idea. In design concepts we define how the semantic idea will be present in all perceptual aspects, here we define main characteristics, style, colors, typography, shapes, diagramming grid and structure for compose.
4. Prototype
In web design prototype digital files are known as mockups or wireframes, these are a preview without details of what should be a final result. This process saves a lot of time in design projects, we prevent future failures by keeping a constant dialog with the customer about design progress. We save more time doing this process digital with tools like Balsamiq.
5. Evaluation
For improve times and have a more assertive final design, we keep a constant communication with customer, let them know about last features, last changes and achieve their approval for start every final design-process.
6. Design
This is the moment for join all the pieces, we call design to all the process we make for achieve this step.
7. Improve
Finish a design project is the start point for improve, make an inside about the topics we can do better for next projects it’s an important part of the design-process.