How to Integrate Rubocop to Rails Project ?

You have a rails project and you are coding randomly. But you’re thinking for your code quality shouldn’t compromise, in this step rubocop helped to you.

Rubocop is code analyzer tool, scanning your codes according to ruby style guide and find bugs like typo or sometimes fix your bugs. With rubocop, your code quality is increase, you start coding more clean and coding like professional.

Before setup and using rubocop, you should be careful for integrate your project with git or derivatives. Then you should make below step by step.

  • Open Gemfile in your rails project, add below gems
group :development do
  gem 'rubocop', require: false
  gem 'haml-lint', require: false

After running bundle command, for see working logic of the rubocop, you can run below command,

$ rubocop -RD
  • Let’s continue to integration steps, you should create .rubocop.yml file on root of your rails project. Then running below commands,
$ rubocop --auto-gen-config

When you running above commands, rubocop created .rubocop-todo.yml file automatically on your root of rails project. .rubocop-todo.yml offer a list including bug checks and counts. In addition if you use ubuntu desktop, you should run below command.

$ rubocop --config .rubocop_todo.yml
  • After that we created .rubocop.yml file. In this file, we can write which file you want to include or exclude with below code
    - Rakefile
    - db/schema.rb

But if you don’t want to make include or exclude, you don’t need to create .rubocop.yml files. Without create .rubocop.yml file, you can run above commands. Thus you can integrate rubocop to your rails project.

After you integrate rubocop to your project, you should run

$ rubocop

instead of above command, if you run below command, rubocop give you details list for your bugs and errors.

$ rubocop -R 

For detail you can visit Rubocop Github Page.

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