Using Medium Editor as Input Field in Rails

Medium Editor is seriously a stunning WYSIWYG editor. Simple, stylish, easy to use… But you can also use it as an input field, with some Javascript magic :)

First off, you must include JS and CSS files of Medium Editor. It doesn’t matter if you use from CDN or local folders.

I’m using it in a form partial (one of my current projects).

=stylesheet_link_tag 'medium-editor.css'
=javascript_include_tag 'medium-editor'
= form_for @post do |f|
  = f.hidden_field :body, html: { id: "body" }
  .editable { data: { field: { id: "body" } } }
  = f.submit
=javascript_include_tag 'input-field'

Normally you can just add .editable class on any element you like but you can’t do it for an input field. What I’ve done is, I just created my input field as hidden and a editable div with data-field-id is `body.

IDs of input field and editable field must be same, so we can create a polymorphic system for synchronization. Let’s get to the input-field.js file.

var editor = new MediumEditor('.editable');
$('.editable').bind('input propertychange', function() {
  $("#post_" + $(this).attr("data-field-id")).val($(this).html());

When you create a MediumEditor object with .editable class, all elements (except input fields) with.editable` class will turn into Medium Editor.

Real magic we’ll use is bind method of HTML elements. (Also I must warn you that you must include standard jQuery libraries). When a editable class element is changed, inner code of bind method will run. This way we’ll get the editable element’s data-field-id and concatenate it with #post_ string.

Then we set the value of #post_element with editable class element’s inner HTML. If you keep the names of hidden element and editable section same, you get a polymorphic synchronization. So you can use multiple Medium Editor input fields.

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